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The following articles are the most recent articles relating to product legislation. If you would like to discuss any of the following topics in further detail with a technical members of staff, then please contact us on 01564 792349.

September 4, 2013

European Court Case after compliants of trade barriers

European Court Case after compliants of trade barriers

Germany has been referred to the European Court of Justice by the European Commission as a result of failing to respect the rules of the EU regarding the harmonisation of the trade of construction products. Manufacturers within EU member states have been faced with major setbacks in placing construction products on the German market as […]

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August 29, 2013

Standards Updates – Jul/Aug 2013

Standards Updates – Jul/Aug 2013

The following list(s) of harmonised standards referenced on the European Commission’s Official Journal have been updated in July & August 2013: – Recreational craft: – Energy labelling of household dishwashers:

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July 19, 2013

Construction Products Regulation comes into force

Construction Products Regulation comes into force

The Construction Products Regulation No. (EU) 305/2011 has now come into force and now requires Construction Products to be CE marked. The new Regulation, which came in force from the 1st July 2013 applies to products that are intended for permanent incorporation into a building or civil engineering works. The old Directive (89/106/EEC) that has […]

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July 4, 2013

Pyrotechnic Articles Directive – New UK Guidance

Pyrotechnic Articles Directive – New UK Guidance

The Pyrotechnic Articles Directive (2007/23/EC) sets out requirements for manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers involved with placing pyrotechnic articles on the market. Products in scope must be CE marked once the process has been completed and the product has demonstrated that it complies with the Essential Safety Requirements within Annex I of the Directive. The […]

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June 28, 2013

Harmonised Standards Update (June 2013)

Harmonised Standards Update (June 2013)

The following list(s) of harmonised standards referenced on the European Commission’s Official Journal have been updated in June 2013. The lists of harmonised standards that were published in June 2013 are: Safety of Toys Directive Construction Products Regulation PPE Directive Ecodesign Requirements & Energy Labelling for Household Dishwashers Regulation For more help and advice on […]

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