Leading Manufacturers through Product Compliance - Our Slogan

Funding for compliance

Compliance Assistance for Small and Medium Enterprises

If you are a Small or Medium sized Enterprise then you could join the list of companies that we have helped secure up to 50% funding (dependent on size of project) for compliance, helping them through the UKCA Marking process.

Through funding organisations, we are able to provide help to companies who may require assistance with new product introduction and/or with identifying and meeting their product conformity requirements. Funding available for this assistance is typically 35%, dependent upon eligibility and location. Applicants must typically be a UK SME manufacturing company of less than 250 employees and meet other basic eligibility criteria.

Funding for Compliance

Example funding for compliance projects:

  • Testing and assessments
  • EMC design advice
  • Conducting Risk Assessments
  • Electrical Safety Testing
  • In-company Consultancy
  • Defining and interpreting the applicable standards
  • International compliance guidance
  • Technical (Construction) File compilation
  • Knowledge transfer workshops or training

The decision process is usually quick and simple. The client requests a project through the UKCA Support Services (managed by Wemtech), and funding provider will provide an instant decision. There is usually no business plan required and no red tape, and the documentation is simple to complete and sign off at the end.

If you need help with compliance and you think you may have a potential project, then please call us on 01564 792349 to discuss how we can help you.

Case Studies:

Find out how we have worked with the MTC (Manufacturing Technology Centre), EGS (Economic Growth Solutions) and other organisations to assist manufacturers all over England, to help them with the product conformity requirements. Read our case studies.

UKCA Support Services
Tel: 01564 792349
Email: info@ukcasupportservices.co.uk