Leading Manufacturers through Product Compliance - Our Slogan


As part of our continuing course development, we ask if you could please take a few minutes to fill in this course appraisal form, to help enable us to better understand the effectiveness of this programme. All Feedback will be securely held on our server and acted upon if needed

Course Date:

As part of our continuing course development, we ask if you could please take a few minutes to fill in this course appraisal form, to help enable us to better understand the effectiveness of this programme. All Feedback will be securely held on our server and acted upon if needed

Please rate the delivery of the subject - was it explained clearly in a way that was easily understood?
Poor Below Average Average Good Very Good

Were the questions asked answered to your satisfaction?
Yes No

Was the subject made interesting?
Yes No

Please rate the standard of presentation received?
Poor Below Average Average Good Very Good

Did the course materials and handouts give sufficient guidance to enable you to understand the subject?
Yes No

Are there any comments you wish to make regarding the virtual presentation presented via Microsoft Teams?

  Please tick the box if you DO wish the CE Marking Association to use your feedback/comments including your company details and logo for publicity purposes

UKCA Support Services
Tel: 01564 792349
Email: info@ukcasupportservices.co.uk